Regular Meeting

Add to Calendar 2025-02-05 15:12:40 2025-02-05 15:12:40 Regular Meeting Regular Meetings shall be held at the locations listed below and via Zoom. Please refer to Agenda for location for each meeting. Roxborough Library, 8375 N. Rampart Range Rd., Suite 200, Littleton, CO 80125,Roxborough Intermediate School, 7370 Village Cir E, Littleton, CO 80125, or West Metro Fire Station 15, 6220 N. Roxborough Park Road, Littleton, CO 80125Zoom Information:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86267550643?pwd=V3RnRGRtWkRyUlZZc1VMWTJFZjFHdz09Meeting ID: 862 6755 0643Passcode: 987572One tap mobile+17193594580,,86267550643#,,,,*987572# US+13462487799,,86267550643#,,,,*987572# US (Houston)  Roxborough Village Metropolitan District no-reply@co.colorado.gov America/Denver public

Regular Meetings shall be held at the locations listed below and via Zoom. Please refer to Agenda for location for each meeting. 

Roxborough Library, 8375 N. Rampart Range Rd., Suite 200, Littleton, CO 80125,

Roxborough Intermediate School, 7370 Village Cir E, Littleton, CO 80125, or 

West Metro Fire Station 15, 6220 N. Roxborough Park Road, Littleton, CO 80125

Zoom Information:

Meeting ID: 862 6755 0643
Passcode: 987572
One tap mobile
+17193594580,,86267550643#,,,,*987572# US
+13462487799,,86267550643#,,,,*987572# US (Houston)

Date and time