Douglas County - Solicitor Ordinance


Anyone who sells something door-to-door in unincorporated Douglas County is required by Ordinance to register with the Sheriff’s Office. Nonprofits and charities are exempt.

When you register with the  Sheriff’s Office, you’ll receive a solicitor’s registration card which has your business name, address, telephone number and description of the goods to be sold. You must have your card with you when selling door-to-door and show it on demand.

Anyone who violates the ordinance commits a class 2 petty offense; a summons may be issued, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not more than $600 for each separate violation.

Visit the link below to learn how to get a solicitor’s permit:

Solicitor Permits - Douglas County Sheriff's Office (dcsheriff.net)


What You Need to Know About Door-to-Door Solicitors
Anyone who sells something door-to-door in unincorporated Douglas County is required by a County Ordinance to register with the Sheriff’s Office. Nonprofits and charities are exempt.  Solicitors should have a registration card that has the business name, address, telephone number and description of the goods to be sold. They must have their card with them when selling door-to-door and show it on demand. The Sheriff's Office recommends that if you have a problem with solicitors in your neighborhood or notice suspicious activity, please keep these safety tips in mind:

• You do not have to answer the door; however, you want to let them know someone is home to deter them from attempting to commit a crime.
• At no time should you let solicitors into your home.
• Don’t sign anything immediately, even if it seems like you’re getting a good deal. Always gather a minimum of three written quotes to make sure the price is as good as the solicitor claims it is.
• If you are unsure whether a solicitor is legitimate, ask for identification verifying that they are employed by the company they claim to work for. If they don’t have any ID, don’t give them any money and tell them to leave.
• If a solicitor refuses to leave or becomes irate, shut the door and call 911.
• If you don’t feel comfortable giving a solicitor money, DON’T!  Do not let anyone “guilt” you into giving them money or buying their product.
• Giving credit card information, a check, or personal identifying information could lead to Identity Theft.
• If you see suspicious activity or need to report a crime, call (303) 660-7500 or 911 for emergencies.  

You can pick up a Douglas County Sheriff's Office No Solicitor sticker at two locations:
Highlands Ranch Substation-9250 Zotos Dr. Highlands Ranch
Douglas County Justice Center-Sheriff's Office Records lobby-4000 Justice Way, Castle Rock.